Lots of users who begin using their very first hosting account, or change companies, typically have queries concerning how specific tasks are executed or come across predicaments when setting up different things such as e-mails, website settings, etc. That’s why, lots of web hosting companies have compiled documentation with the most popular questions and issues so as to help their customers obtain info quickly and easily. As a result, the tech support staff members can devote more time to real problems that particular customers may be facing, as the solution for the minor things will already be available on the World Wide Web and clients can easily handle them without having to contact the technical support team. Having comprehensive documentation is essential, particularly for new clients without any experience whatsoever, because the web hosting service entails a large number of functions and lots of individuals can become puzzled about what action to take. A good knowledge base can both help you carry out the things that you need and get to know how the web hosting service works as a whole.

Extensive Online Documentation in Shared Website Hosting

Our shared website hosting packages come with an in-depth knowledge base where you can find information about all the obstacles that you may bump into and their resolutions. You can learn how to create and administer an electronic mailing list, how to use an .htaccess file, or how to proceed in case the settings of your mail client are accurate, but still you’re unable to send email messages, for example. We have tried our utmost to be as exhaustive as possible and to encompass all possible options so as to help you save time and energy and to offer you different solutions for each and every issue. The knowledge base comprises educative articles too – both generic ones about the hosting service as a whole, and more specific ones, which will let you in on the features and functions of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You can find relevant articles about specific functions and features in each Control Panel section, whilst if you’d like to browse the entire archive of articles, you can go to the Help section.

Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Servers

The Help section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with our semi-dedicated plans, will allow you to access the thorough online help documentation that we’ve compiled for you. The articles offer general info about our hosting services, instructional tutorials about the separate features that you can use, as well as troubleshooting guidelines that can help you correct common problems that you may run into. The topics that we have covered include virtually everything, from elementary things such as how to host a brand new domain name in the account, to more elaborate ones such as which SSH commands can be executed on the servers. Relevant articles about the features of a given Control Panel section will always be available in the right corner of the page that you’re on, whilst the complete article list can be accessed through the all-encompassing Help section.